How to use this blog?

Welcome to the Presence.

My hope is that the material on this blog is beneficial for you on your journey through this life.

For those of you new to this blog, I wanted to point out some ways to use this blog.

First off, there are four basic (Labels) categories of posts in this blog:
  1. Guitar
  2. Literature
  3. Songwriting 
  4. Theology
  5. Philosophy
The reason they are titled this way, is so that I can make these different types of blog posts easily accessible in the top of the 'Labels' list, which is on the right-hand side of the homepage.

Secondly, if you like any of the content here, please share it.  This stuff is not simply for me. The reason I published this site is to share.  Please be a part of that sharing!

Thirdly, this blog was created as a personal challenge nearly 6 years ago.  For 1,000 consecutive days, I wrote a daily Christian devotional.  All of these are still available in the archives.  You can find these in the 'Previous Posts' area.

Fourthly, given that this is free technology, there is some 'clunkiness' to the format.  What I really mean is I am not a computer genius and I sometimes do things that do not make sense for more-computer-savvy people.  I shall get better!

Because of this reality, I ask your forgiveness should the post you are looking for be difficult to find.

My hope is to improve upon this site so it becomes simpler and simpler to get to the relevant content you are seeking.

Above all else, may God be glorified in everything on this site.  And I pray that is is beneficial for you and your relationship with God.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17