Friday, January 20, 2012

Contentment in Christ

Contentment, the art of being content, refers to an inner state of satisfaction.  It should be understood as an attitude of fulfillment, a posture by which we live our lives.  Christians, like all the world, have times when our contentment is challenged, when our contentment will be pressed and tested.  At these times, when our ability to remain content is tested, how we react can speak volumes of the state and our hearts and the degree of our sanctification.

Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, talks about contentment (Phil. 4:11-13).  For Paul, as it should be for all Christians, Jesus is contentment's true source.  Because contentment is an inner state of satisfaction, when that satisfaction is found in situation, it will inevitably fail because the contentment is based on the whimsy and tenuousness of circumstance.  Simply stated, contentment that is not founded in God will fail because its source is ultimately perishing.

Think of Job.  He stayed obedient and faithful in the Lord's holiness and goodness even though everything was working against him.  In the end, Job couldn't take it any longer and finally cried out to the Lord for relief and explanation.  God replied in force, admonishing Job for His unbelief.  The point is clear: God and not circumstance is to be the source of our contentment.  When we are dependent on worldly situation and provision to content, we will live life on a roller coaster of contentment that is waxing in waning like the tide.  

Instead, the source and confidence of true contentment is fixed firmly in the Lord, in His sovereignty and infinitude.  When our contentment is found in God's nature and holy character, we will always be able to be content because we will be secure in He who is always sure and true.

Life is full of tempests that toss and turn with tumultuous circumstance and stressful situations.  In these times, we need to remain reliant on the Lord and thus we will be able to be content in every possible dilemma and circumstance.  Contentment is to be rooted in the Lord.  When it is, we will find ourselves content and satisfied in all situations.  This is a beautiful and lovely gift from the Lord.  Let us look always to the God of heaven and earth to be the source of our contentment!

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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17