Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What Right Does God Have?

I have heard this question and many of its variations for years: 'what right does God have...?" It is most often coupled with an indictment of this faceless and unknown divine being who is considered audacious enough to encroach upon the individual's freedom to do whatever the heck he/she wants.  Needless to say, this argument is predicated upon fallacious girding because it supports its veracity on the basis of man's indomitable free will, which is basic terms means, 'I can do anything I want whenever I want and nothing and no one can tell me I'm right or wrong.'

But the aforementioned statement-veiled-question neglects the reality of human personhood, namely that everything about us is a fluctuating derivative.  I mean two things by that phrase: (1) that human beings are always in flux and thus unable to accurately asses themselves at any time without an external critical input; and (2) that we are, at our cores, wholly contingent beings that are inherently dependent upon others for our being.

Spiritually speaking, or at least in reference to the above question, this brings a number of thoughts to bear upon the discussion.  At the start, it means that by asking 'what right God has?' we must also ask, 'what right do I have?'  In other words, before we can challenge the Maker of the universe for the supremacy in our lives, we have to honestly assess if we are even capable of claiming that lordship for ourselves, to which the answer is an unequivocal no.

Being contingent beings means that we are dependent.  Therefore, to claim a sort of independence that betrays this fact would be, in the end, self defeating.

While there is more to be said about this, suffice to say that in reference to the question about what right God has, well, the answer is: God has all the right in the world for whatever He wants.  After all, He's God, the Creator of all creation.  In the end, He is who He is and we are His by that fact.  There is no way around this dilemma, either we ignore it or we live under its truth.

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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17