Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sanctified Sleep

Sleep is wonderful.  It is a strange thing, too.  For some reason, we can get the same amount of sleep from night to night and the degree of refreshment differs and, in a certain way, sleep can vary in its effectiveness.  It begs the question: "is sleep worth more than bodily rejuvenation"?  

Psalms speaks about this in a way that can be astounding to modern interpreters.  Throughout the Psalms, the psalmists write about the use of night.  For the psalmist, night should be used to meditate on His Word, that He visits and counsels us at night, and that we sing His praises even at night (Psa. 16:7; 17:3; 42:8).  God uses sleep.  Yes, sleep, to minister to us.  There are many Bible stories that illustrate the divine usage of sleep.

Joseph was given numerous prophecies through dreams.  Solomon was gifted with supernatural wisdom in a dream.  Or think of how Joseph was told of the coming birth of Jesus in a dream.  God uses sleep to speak to His people.  Think about it.  At what other point throughout our days are we totally free and open, no walls or pretense.  Only while asleep.  

God wishes to indwell our sleep with His presence in a very real way, this is what the psalmist is talking about and what Elihu is saying to Job: God uses visions and dreams to speak to us (Job 33:15-18).  This seems radical to an enlightened world that has trouble rationalizing or dealing with the miraculous, the supernatural, and/or the spiritual.

If we are to be meditating on His Word and if He is to visit us with dreams and visions while we slumber, we need to prepare ourselves.  Consecration.  We should consecrate our sleep, sanctify it so that we are ready for God to speak to us.  There are some practical ways to do this that can be effective, not only in protecting us from spiritual attack but also, like prayer, put us in a position for His presence.

First of all, and most importantly, read the Word before falling asleep.  How are we to meditate on His Word if it is not immediately on our minds.  Dedicate time at the end of your day, in bed, to read the Word and contemplate it.  This does not have to be an over-the-top Bible exposition, just get into a couple of verses and really digest them.  Secondly, pray.  Quiet.  Part of this is making your environment quiet.  Just think about Him, His glory and awesomeness.  Remember, this is the Lord we're talking about here.  The Lord.  Keep that in mind.  Lastly, go to sleep.  

In summation, God wants to speak to us.  He desires to minister to us day and night.  We should ready ourselves.  Strive to sanctify your sleep in preparation for supernatural dreams and visions from Him, for Him, and by Him.  Be poised for His presence, for He is faithful and blesses those who earnestly seek Him!

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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17