Because the risk of forgery was so great, a method for ensuring the authenticity of authorship was needed. The method that was used involved sealing the messages with official seals, like signet rings and familial seals, pressed into wax. In this way, authorship of letters was authenticated and the message therein was guaranteed.
In Ephesians 1:13-14 as well as 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, Paul applies this method of securing long-distance communications to the spiritual life. Paul says that God has put His seal on believers; the seal is the Holy Spirit. Paul is saying that the Holy Spirit seals believers, as a guarantee of the Promise given by and through Christ, which is salvation. This is remarkable.
Believers are in the world but not of the world. We are given a taste of the heavenly realm through confession and belief, but we are not wholly removed from the earthly realm. We are promised total salvation, but while living in the world, we only get a part of that salvation. The Holy Spirit seals, guaranteeing that we will receive the whole of salvation promised.
Additionally, seals pronounce that the one who seals is the owner of that which is sealed. Therefore, because we are sealed by the Holy Spirit, we belong to God. This is a beautiful thing and a theological landmark: we belong to Him. This is confirmed throughout the Scripture, that we are to be slaves to His righteousness (Rom. 6:14-19). This means that the seal itself (the Holy Spirit) not only guarantees the future perfect fulfillment of salvation, He also guides us in how we are to live.
Ultimately, the presence of the Holy Spirit is the true indication of faith as He is the seal of our salvation. Christians who do not exhibit the Holy Spirit or struggle to ascertain His presence in their lives should examine themselves; it could be the mark of a deeper issue. In truth, believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Holy Spirit will be present in the lives of believers. All this glorifies the Lord. Praise be to God, for He is steadfast and faithful to keep those that cling to Him!
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