Saturday, December 1, 2012

Choose to be Chosen?

In the spirit of the previous blog that begged the question, what have you sacrificed for Christ? I propose another, equally challenging question.  Going against my better judgement, I may have given away the punchline in the title, but before you neglect the thought (or the remainder of this blog), let me flesh out the question.

If someone were to come up to you with a briefcase full of cash and ask if you would choose to be gifted a million dollars cash, how fast would you accept?  Now, if that same person offered you the briefcase but you had to leave your family, your friends, take a new name, and start a whole new life, would you still be so quick to grab the suitcase?

Although this is a metaphor, more often than not, the first method is what Christians think of when they think about Christ, as in, all the gifts and joys of salvation but without any real sacrifice.  Unfortunately, this sort of theology totally betrays the nature of the Gospel.

Instead, when we think about Christ and what He has called Christians to, we should immediately consider the cost, not out of guilt but out of a genuine reverence for the level of commit that Christ demands from His followers.  The choice, then, to believe requires that we sincerely and continually search our hearts to discover what our true motivation may be.  If there is any stronghold that we could foresee not being willing to "give up" for Christ, then the Holy Spirit is exposing the source of our heart's treasures.

What would you choose over Christ?

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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17