Monday, August 5, 2013

Proverbs 9:13-Beware the Seduction of Folly

Proverbs 9:13: "The woman Folly is loud; she is seductive and knows nothing."

To say that Folly is a loud and seductive woman that ultimately knows nothing is to say that the one who brazenly gloats of his indiscretion and seduces others to follow him, in the end, is but a fool who truly knows nothing.  This may be a bitter pill to swallow if you are anything like me. That is, if you have a proclivity, a natural tendency towards folly and foolishness.

It has been remarkable, then, to see God  transform my vision in this regard, that by the power of His in dwelling Holy Spirit who applies His holy Word to my life, my attraction to the woman Folly has been replaced.  This has, I am convinced, been entirely a work of God in transforming me to have a distaste for Folly as It has been replaced by a hunger for the things of God.

Additionally, the aforementioned verse reminds me that while fools trapped in bed with Folly will speak boldly and deductively try to lead skeptical people wayward to become fools in partnership, the wise one will be able to recognize that the fool is all the more ignorant because of their love of Folly.  Therefore, the task for the godly is to be trained to spot the fool so as to guard one's heart against Folly's seductive and ignorant ways.

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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17