Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Note About Honesty

Let me start with this: for the past few weeks I have had more than a couple very real conversations with people who are very important to me.  During these discussions, the necessity for honesty has come to the forefront of my life and I wanted to take a paragraph or two to discuss the whole concept of honesty and its importance in our relationships.

Honesty requires, at the very least, vulnerability and trust.  To be vulnerable means that we would be willing to let down our guards for the purpose of exposing our weaknesses to others.  But within that vulnerability, we share it with trust.  While vulnerability can in itself be a frightening proposition, it is the need for trust that makes honesty so challenging.  Yet it is these very things, trust and vulnerability, that make honesty so valuable to relationships and it is why we must strive for it in our lives.  In reality, honesty is the foundation of love.

Let us then strive for honesty as we strive in devotion to the Lord!


  1. Very good to remember honesty as a virtue, Nick. I work on this daily, and some days I fail...mostly in little things...which bugs me even more. I need prayer on this, will you pray for me? Blessings, Mama Kori

  2. so true Nick. how can we love if we don't have trust. honesty builds trust and love. im so glad that God as a role model for both. he loves us and trusts us to do the right thing and trust in him even though we don't deserve it.


Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17