Sunday, February 19, 2012

Desires that Destroy

Desire and inner cravings are not wholly evil.  In reality, desires are just a part of who we are.  However, desire is a flame that, if left to its own, can devour and ignite into to consuming fires of sin.  James, in his epistle, illustrates the impetus of sin, being lust (James 1:14-15).  As James indicates, it is a person’s own desire that entices and lures a person to sin.  Then desire conceives and gives birth to sin, which ultimately leads to death.  In fact, biblical concepts of sins are most accurately understood as fires.  How we handle those fires that burn within our chests is an accurate measure of righteousness.

Desires serve to lead us.  They are inner compulsions that can drive us.  The issue is the content and measure of importance given to those desires.  For instance, if the focus of desire distracts us from our primary mission of loving and serving God, then it is sin.  Similarly, if the strength of our passions is so powerful that it overwhelms our sanctification or our righteousness, then it is sin.

Again, the issue is not desire, it is the power given to desire.  Simple questions to ask would then be: What is the focus of the particular desire? Is it supported biblically?  Does my degree of passion or want for this desire overpower my judgment or wisdom?  Asking probing questions like this can serve to protect us from those desires or cravings that might hinder or impede our primary calling, which is to love and serve the Lord.  Let us be honest with ourselves and with our inner desires so as to be protected from the urgings of our hearts!

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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17