Saturday, January 12, 2013

Denying Self but not like Lot's Wife

In Luke 9, Jesus lays it all out: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself daily and take up his cross and follow me."

This is no mean task.  God is not mincing words, this is unequivocal language.  I think of the alternative: not denying self and not taking up the cross to follow Christ.  What would this mean?  Surely it would mean not only the utter lack of God's presence but, by extension, the cold reality of hell both in this physical state and unto eternity.

I think of the famous story of Lot's wife (Gen 19:23-26): turning back at the life she was leaving.  Not only did she not receive the blessings that God had intended for her family leaving Sodom, but she was turned to a pillar of salt for her disobedience and her lack of faith.  She was not willing to deny herself; the irony is that it cost her her life.

This begs the question: how have you done today at denying yourself?  Have you taken up your cross recently?  All the words of Scripture are all for not if they are not implanted into our hearts.  It is not enough to read them, to recite them, to memorize them; we need to live the words.  Christ's commands need to become the very way we live.  Let us strive for this very thing!

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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17