Thursday, August 2, 2012

How Far Would We Go For Love?

There is an old sailor's tale that goes something like this:

There was once a proud sailor.  He had sailed the seas of the world his entire life, living his whole life on a ship.  The sailor had always loved the allure and freedom of the seeing, never considering that he would or even could be pulled away from the torrent and tides of the deepest oceans.  He had a variety of lovers at each of the ports he would visit; a different girl in every place.

Then, on one of his frequent in-land tours, he and his party stumbled across a native peoples that intrigued him.  They were a fishing tribe but were remarkable skilled in dying fabrics, and they wore of the brightest colored clothing that he had ever come across.  While trading various trinkets with the tribe, he met the chief's daughter.

She was a beautiful woman with auburn hair that stirred up images of autumn and her lightly-tinted, grain-colored skin reminded him of the grain-filled pastoral plains of his childhood.  Within moments of being in her presence, he fell for her like the dropping of an anchor from the ship of his heart.  He vowed that he would make her his wife.

The sailor brought the woman gifts of the finest jewels and silk from the farthest corners of the earth but she was uninterested in his knickknacks.  He then decided that he would impress her by studying her tribe's culture and history.  As his ship set sails for other shores, he stayed behind to settle with her until he could convince her that he loved her.  For months, he tried to impress her with his enthusiasm and gifts, but he was always hindered by the significant language barrier.

Finally, as his time was drawing to a close because his ship would be returning, he determined to learn to speak her language so that he could tell her in her tongue that he was madly in love with her and that he wanted to make her his wife.  Over much arduous and intent practice, he had finally learned enough to tell her that he loved her.

In the end, this final step was what the chief's daughter was waiting for.  Although there had been many sailors who had tried to woe her and win her hand with gifts, none of them had been so determined in his affections that he would learn her own language.  When the sailor had learned her language and gotten to the point that he could tell her how he felt, he had proven his love for her by his persistent pursuit and determination. She then knew that he would go to any lengths to love her.

This tale is one of love.  It is remarkable how determined the sailor was to love the woman.  He went to the limits of his power to express his love for her: he gave her his finest treasures, he gave her his time, his career, and his mind.  In the end, it was his utter and persistent devotion that was the limit of his love.

Let us translate this to God.  How far are we willing to go to love God?  Would we give up all our treasures? Our time?  Our very lives?  Like the sailor, there should be no lengths to which we would not be willing to go to show our love for God.  Truly, there are many verses that express this very thought, but perhaps Jesus' words in Matthew 16:25 says it best:

"Whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Let us, then, determine to love God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and with all strength regardless of the cost!

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Guitar Practice Session #3 12/18/17